Vidlica North LH V2 SCS Matte Silver

77,58 €
Dostupnosť: Skladom
North Scooters
Viac informácií
Váha 389
Dĺžka tuby 145
Design vidlice Jednodielny
Offset vidlice Offset
Kompresná skrutka Áno
Primárne kompresný systém SCS
Kompatibilita s šírkou hubu kolieska 24 mm
Vidlica | Kompatibilita s priemerom kolieska 100, 110, 115, 120
Vidlica | Kompatibilita so šírkou gumy kolieska 24 mm
Dĺžka osi 40
Závit Bezzávitová
Kompresný systém N/A
Crown race-vidlica Integrovaný
Spacery Zabudované
Kompresná čiapočka SCS/HIC cap
Kompresný závit Áno
Materiál Aluminium

Meet the lighter-weight evolution of the Aeon Fork Range! The Aeon 3 Fork has totally redesigned geometry. The New shape of the fork legs and fork tube now means that it is 10% lighter, at 199 gram (SCS version withou hardware) and 240 gram (IHC version without hardware). The SCS & IHC version is one of lightest forks on the market and is the perfect balance between being lightweight and being durable.  We have also managed to maintain it’s incredible strength due to the use of 7075-T6 Aluminium. This fork is built for riders preferring a light-weight set up.

Couple the IHC version with a lightweight double clamp and it will be much lighter than any SCS fork and clamp combination.

Performance Statistics (0 – 10)
Lightweight: 10
Fork Tube Strength: 7
Rigidity: 6